Monday, August 14, 2006


photo title

2004年12月,我好不容易做了决定要买一条狗 —— 金毛巡回猎犬!几个月以来,我从一个害怕狗,不喜欢狗的人慢慢成为不再害怕狗,到喜欢狗,并且渐渐将它当作自己的孩子一样爱护。它的每一步生长的足迹我们都一一记录下来,其中记录了它的成长,也记录我们的喜悦。很期望将自己的这种喜悦记录下来,与我的朋友和家人一起分享。因为我发现这种时候,我很开心,他们也跟我一样的开心. 这时候的我也能够理解我的一个同事,为什么定期在公司内部群发自己儿子的照片了!

需要的不仅仅是我?应该还有你,还有他或者她! 是的,这就是为什么会有Yupoo! 

“记录,分享你我的精彩” —— 是Yupoo! 站点宗旨!


(1) 我们帮助人们随时随地, 通过简单而方便将照片, 语音和视频共享给他们的朋友,家人或者所有人. 我们将提供来自己个人电脑,PDA和手机等多种上传图片的方式,帮助用户快速上传精彩的瞬间。

(2) 我们帮助人们来组织,编辑他们的精彩故事. 他们只需要他们的生活本身,其他的一切交给Yupoo! 来做!

(3) 我们帮助人们快速组织和获取他们的朋友,家人,或者其他陌生人的精彩故事和生活。而这一切只需要用您的想象力去搜索,张大您的嘴巴去欣赏。

生活,需要记录; 精彩, 来自您不经意的回首!Yupoo! 帮助您记录稍纵即逝的精彩瞬间!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Web 2.0 Architecture of Participation

This is the answer to many enquirries on Web 2.0 Click or the pic & read more.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hypersonic Jet - From London To Sydney In 2 hours!!

This is really cool.

From Sydney to London by Boeing 747 takes about 22 hours. With this technology, it certainly great for the people be it for visiting or for business.

Hypersonic jet ready for launch!!

Jonathan Fildes

BBC News science and technology reporter

A new jet engine design able to fly seven times the speed of sound is scheduled to launch over Australia on Friday.

The scramjet engine, known as Hyshot III, has been designed by British defence firm Qinetiq.

If successful, it could pave the way for ultrafast, intercontinental
air travel, and substantially cut the cost of putting small payloads
into space.

The engine will launch on a rocket owned by the University of Queensland.

It is the first of three test flights planned for this year by the international Hyshot consortium.

The first Hyshot engine was launched in 2001 but the test flight failed when the rocket carrying the engine flew off course.

Simple engines

A supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet, is mechanically very
simple. It has no moving parts and takes all of the oxygen it needs to
burn hydrogen fuel from the air.

This makes it more efficient than conventional rocket
engines as they do not need to carry their own oxygen supply, meaning
that any vehicle could potentially carry a larger payload.

However scramjets do not begin to work until they reach five times the speed of sound.

You're dealing with extremes of conditions. You've got to expect things to go wrong Dr Allan Paull, University of Queensland

At this speed the air passing through the engine is compressed and hot
enough for ignition to occur. Rapid expansion of the exhaust gases
creates the forward thrust.

To reach the critical speed, Hyshot III will be strapped to
the front of a conventional rocket and blasted to an altitude of 330km
before being allowed to plummet back to Earth.

On its descent the engine is expected to reach a top speed of Mach 7.6 or over 9,000km/ hour.

Making sure the flight happens correctly is incredibly difficult,
according to Dr Allan Paull, project leader of the Hyshot programme at
the University of Queensland.

"You are dealing with extremes of conditions. You're working out on the
edge and with a lot of the stuff no one has ever tried [it] before," he
told the BBC News website. "You've got to expect things to go wrong".

If everything goes to plan, the experiment will begin
at a height of 35km. As the engine continues its downward path the fuel
in the scramjet is expected to automatically ignite.

The scientists will then have just six seconds to
monitor its performance before the £1m engine eventually crashes into
the ground.

New design
The scramjet will not provide forward thrust during the flight,
necessary if the engine is ever to power a vehicle. But the test will
be enough to show that burning starts automatically and to verify
trials already done in a wind tunnel.

"The wind tunnels operate for milliseconds," Dr Paull explained. "The
difficulty is whether or not you can even see the supersonic combustion
in this period of time."

Although the Qinetiq engine has never left the ground it is more realistic than previous Hyshot experiments.

It has a more efficient air intake on the front and can operate over a
greater range of speeds. It also scoops air into the combustion chamber
at a lower temperature, closer to that needed in a commercially useful

If the test flight is successful, it will be followed
four days later by the test flight of another Hyshot engine designed by
the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (Jaxa). This will be followed
in June by the launch of an engine that will fly at Mach 10, designed
by the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

Commercial reality

The Hyshot tests will bring the idea of a commercial scramjet one step closer to reality.

In the first instance these would probably be used to launch satellites
into low earth orbit but many have speculated that they could also
allow passenger airlines to fly between London and Sydney in just 2

Read more:

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Luna New Year

Happy New Year!!

Wealth Drops from The Heaven

Happy New Year!!